
We at Stick Software are committed to the idea of t-shirts. We wear them every day. Therefore, we are proud to offer a t-shirt for sale. Be the first on your block to own a t-shirt! Impress your friends! In the future, we will all wear Stick Software t-shirts.

Here is a picture of our t-shirt:

On the back they have our slogan, "Anti-productivity tools for the discerning user", printed in black. They are 100% cotton, silk-screened in 8 (yes, eight!) colors, and are very high-quality (hand-screened on Hanes Beefy T's). They would make lovely presents for everybody you know.

If you would like to order a t-shirt, you can do so through Kagi (click here), through PayPal (see below), or via check, cash or money order (see the software page for details on those options), in the same way you pay for our software.

Ordering through PayPal can be done by clicking one of the following buttons. You will be able to give a quantity for the item selected. Orders of more than one t-shirt size or shipping type must be placed in separate parts, when done through PayPal. (Kagi will let you do a mixed order as a single transaction, for what that's worth.)

Surface shipping
   (U.S., Canada & Mexico):
 $18: size M
 $18: size L
 $18: size XL
 $18: size XXL
Airmail shipping
   (all other countries):
 $22: size M
 $22: size L
 $22: size XL
 $22: size XXL

Tote bags

We now have Stick Software tote bags available for purchase! Sturdy canvas construction, with a flat (gusseted) bottom, means they are perfect for carrying books, groceries, or perhaps even a laptop. Impress your friends, plunge your neighbors into envious despair. Like our t-shirts, they have our 8-color logo silkscreened onto one side, and our slogan screened in black on the other side. Here is a picture of our tote bag:

If you would like to order a tote bag, you can do so through Kagi (click here), through PayPal (see below), or via check, cash or money order (see the software page for details on those options), in the same way you pay for our software.

Ordering through PayPal can be done by clicking one of the following buttons. You will be able to give a quantity for the item selected.

Surface shipping
   (U.S., Canada & Mexico):
 $18: tote bag
Airmail shipping
   (all other countries):
 $22: tote bag

Other mechandise

We have no mousepads today. Similarly, no mugs, pens, stationery, hats, hand-embroidered socks, silk ties, coaster sets, lunchboxes, condoms, or earrings. However, if you really crave a physical object of some specific type to advertise your love of Stick Software to the world, feel free to email us and we'll see what we can do for you.