
General technical support for Stick Software products is not guaranteed. However, if you have done your homework (i.e., read the relevant manual, help file, or documentation) or are willing to do so, if your problem is with our software (as opposed to being a problem with OS X or other companies' products), and if you are polite and reasonable, we will do our best to help you.

Please look below first for an answer to your question; if you don't find one, you can use the link at the bottom of this page to send us email. Thanks!

Help Documents

We try to post web pages about the most common support issues our customers encounter, and you can find a list of all of the questions we have written up answers for here:

What is a .dmg (or "disk image") file, and how do I work with one?

How do I make an application start automatically whenever I log in?

What is a "desktop critter" and how do I control it?

My registration code doesn't seem to work; what do I do?

How do I report a bug in a Stick Software product?

What is Stick Software's privacy policy?

For product-specific questions, you should check the manual for that product. We put all of our manuals online for easy downloading; just surf to the one you need.

If you think there's a topic we should write a help document for (because it was difficult for you to figure out), please let us know; we'd like to make this page as useful as possible.

Automated Support

We provide some automated support forms for common things our users want to do. If using these doesn't work for us, you can always email us. However, we'd appreciate it if you'd try these first, since they are much less work for us than responding to individual customer emails. Thanks!

Email address change: use this to change the email address we have on file for your registration. You must be able to still receive email at your old email address, to confirm the request. If you no longer have access to your old email address, you will need to make your request directly to us by email.

Registration code request: use this to request that we send you the codes for products you have registered. Your registrations will be looked up based on your email address, so if you registered using an old email address, you will need to change your address first using the form above.

Newsletter subscribe & unsubscribe: use this to subscribe or unsubscribe to our newsletter, for product updates, new product announcements, and other Stick Software news. Guaranteed less than one email per month, and your email address will never be sold or shared.


Many of our products have manuals online. Please consult them before asking us for support.

Support by Email

Stick Software supports its products by email only. For all support questions, please contact us at our support email address.