The fastest way to review, sort, or just look at your photos. Full size or thumbnails, EXIF support, histograms, side-by-side comparison, sorting folders, direct camera import, bulk renaming...
...and did we mention it's fast?
I sorted ALL my photos, all 5GB of them, in two days. This is genius! — P. Cota
It's an indispensable piece of the tool chest. I tell everyone about it. — M. Peluce
It worked perfectly and was exactly what I needed! — R. Rosen
I'm taking 800 pics a day right now and couldn't do without it! — D. Manley
I love PhotoReviewer. I saw it in MacAddict. It is THE BEST. — L. Nalepa
After taking a break for a while here at Stick Software, we are now updating our apps to run on macOS 10.15 and 11, building them Universal (native for both Intel and Apple Silicon), and converting them to freeware. These apps are updated, so far: